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Zibo billion Tai talk about the core competitiveness of the website - content

  2016/8/9 17:42:44
Not talking about content websites (ICP), but content websites, there are too many websites, in fact, are essentially content websites。And many websites that were originally purely functional (such as online RSS browsers, such as web abstracts), because the function cannot be directly charged, have also gone the way of content websites: output content, get attention, sell advertising。

Perhaps because many functional sites were originally started with features, today, they are still obsessed with the power of technology when they have to face the cold topic of revenue and switch to advertising。Ren Liu of Donews wrote in July 2005 under the title "Living and Dead Websites" : "Living websites usually have very few people。Programmers and designers lead;Dead site a bunch of editors, editor-in-chief dominated。I don't know whether intentionally or not, he just forgot the Hongbo around him, the best editor-in-chief in the IT circle。

A website, of course, can be considered a tool, but it is still essentially a medium。This natural attribute, is no one can erase。Since it is media, "users will produce content, content will attract users, more users will produce more content, and so on.。(also from Liu Ren's live website that log) such an operating model is too ideal。Web2.From 2005 to 2006, we have to sit back and reassess: Essentially, nothing has changed: attention in exchange for advertising。

In a content-oriented website, the power of the editor can almost be regarded as the key to deciding the outcome of the website。I am not disbelieving in the power of swarm intelligence, but relying entirely on users to make "everyone become an editor" (the slogan of a web abstract-style service launched by Blog China), the result is precisely the end of this service。Good editors know how to curate a topic, how to attract more attention (certainly not to change the title of an article), in short, they know the audience's taste。And this, I do not in any way believe, today, technology will understand。

This is an argument that many geeks reject unconditionally。That's normal, because geeks aren't businessmen。No matter what kind of technology to build a commercial website, it is indeed a business, a network operators, audiences, advertisers three parties constantly game business。Advertisers do not want to believe that "anyone can be my user" website。In this era of exquisite segmentation, advertisers are more willing to see: my users are fans of ××× products。

How do you bring these audiences together, and that's the job of the editor。However, Sina's mass model has turned web editing into a symbol: copy & paste's computer worker。It seems that secondary school students who know a little about Internet technology can be qualified for the job of web editor。And the huge editorial department is only for the need of massive information exists。Please take a sober look at the traditional media, especially in magazines, that some Internet practitioners believe are bound to die out?

The reason why I want to mention magazines is that magazines are recognized as the most reliable media for market segmentation among traditional offline media forms。Before the advent of the Internet, classified ads were almost the food of magazines。In fact, the impact of the Web on magazines should be very big, because the interactivity of the Web makes it easier for websites to work on segmentation。However, this is not the case。Too many websites have become a newspaper with N pages。It's hard to imagine being in a crowd of people who only know how to copy & What kind of boutique website will paste's new media workers make。

In many web companies, the loss of an editor is far less damaging than the loss of a technician。Even the departure of the so-called Editor-in-Chief is not as shocking as that of the technical director。Some people will ask me, what is the difference between a certain website and your website?I laughed without answering。Because, in a sense, all newspapers under the sun are the same: paper and ink make, attention for advertising。What's the difference between them?1947年,卢因在《推荐十大正规网赌平台》>中说:“信息传播网络中布满了把关人”。Even web3.0,或是4.Zero. I don't think so. The theory no longer applies。

By ZBYITAI.COM Source:Zibo website construction   Zibo Yitai Information Technology Co., LTD

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