Keywords: Zibo website construction, Zibo website design, Zibo website production, Zibo website optimization, Zibo mobile website construction, Zibo website promotion, Zibo network company
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On the influence of electronic commerce on enterprise management

  2016/7/1 9:05:09
With the increasing maturity of e-commerce, more and more enterprises have also deeply realized that in order to continue to develop and remain invincible in the increasingly competitive international market, e-commerce is the best choice and the only way for enterprises。Of course, if enterprises want to carry out e-commerce, it is far from enough to build a website for product promotion and publicity。So, how can enterprises succeed in the actual combat of e-commerce?Here are the practical experiences from the forefront of e-commerce:  

The year 1999 was the warm-up period of China's e-commerce, and a large number of e-commerce websites have stepped on the crest of the Chinese Internet and become the vanguard of e-commerce concerned by the public。However, the backward distribution system, the lack of payment methods, the limited online population, the national psychology and habits and other problems cast a shadow on the seemingly hot e-commerce。

We used to put Yahoo! AOL was regarded as the master of the Internet economy, and then,eBay is regarded as the classic of e-commerce,However, with the rapid changes in the United States,It has prompted people to start thinking more pragmatically about the value of the network economy and e-commerce,In 2000, e-commerce became the most fashionable topic,The discussion on the essence of e-commerce has also entered a deeper level。

电子商务的主角:是B不是e 从1997年电子商务出现在中国大陆以来,就以一种迅猛的速度发展着。Nowadays, the media, whether it is newspaper, TV, magazine or Internet, can hardly see that there is no report about Internet and e-commerce。In the United States and other developed countries, e-commerce has been decent, IBM's e-commerce revenue has reached 20 billion US dollars;Intel's e-commerce revenue will reach $15 billion this year;Ebay had a turnover of $60 million in September 1999。This is an information industry revolution,We can see that this revolution has brought profound and dramatic changes to businesses and people's lives: the workplace has changed;The way of working has changed;If you want,Information can be shared,And it can be distributed to everyone in the world;It can improve companies' ability to compete globally。So people are saying, "The Internet is changing everything, changing the way we live, changing the way we work."。However, what the Internet and e-commerce bring us is more important is the change of management concept。

   Professor Wang Xuan once said that in the start-up stage of high-tech enterprises, the role of technical experts is the most important, and in the period of rapid development, there is no modern and standardized management, absolutely not。With the rapid development of e-commerce, its special management mode will inevitably change our traditional management mode and management concept。No matter how e-commerce will go in the future, at least its impact on our management is huge。

   At the turn of the century, human society is undergoing a profound change。The emergence and rapid popularization of the Internet not only changes the way of human information transmission and communication, but also its far-reaching significance is that it has caused profound changes in the entire social organization structure and institutional arrangements。The traditional industrial economic model is being shaken, restructured and disappeared, and a new economic model - network economy is rising。Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Lester, author of the book Creating Wealth, calls the network economy the "third revolution" in human history。According to statistics, in 1999, the Internet injected $30.0 billion into the American economy and employed 1.2 million people。The value created by the Internet in 17 years is close to the value created by the automobile industry in 100 years。

   E-commerce refers to all kinds of commercial activities carried out by both buyers and sellers using modern open Internet and according to certain standards。In the process of transforming from industrial economy to network economy, e-commerce is a very important and key means and measures。It is the bridge between the network economy and the traditional economy, and the only way for enterprises to enter the network economy from the traditional economy. Therefore, the influence of e-commerce on the business environment and enterprise management is direct, profound and all-round。

   (1) The impact of e-commerce on the business environment of enterprises

   1. Market model

   The widespread application of electronic commerce will promote the transition from roundabout economy to direct economy。That is, from the industrial economy characterized by relying on intermediate materials, separating production and consumption, and wasting resources, to the network economy characterized by the direct meeting of production and consumption, and the sustainable development of people, resources and the environment。Its essence is to reduce intermediate costs, inventory and working capital, so that production "direct" consumption。If the buyer and seller are on the computer network, then from the computer can arrange samples, negotiate prices, sign contracts, and pay the price。

   2. Business structure

   The whole basis of traditional business existence is the distance between producers and consumers in time and space, and the role of shopping malls is to act as a bridge between them。The market is the center where the flow of material (goods) and the flow of information (prices) converge。In an industrial economy, production and consumption would be inconvenient and inefficient without the intermediary of traditional commerce。But in the Internet economy, the very reason for the existence of shopping malls has been shaken。More and more manufacturers have their own online home page, a large number of product information and price information。The intermediary industry will die out in large numbers, and new industries will emerge and rise。

   3. Industry structure

   The influence of e-commerce on the industry structure is mainly manifested in two aspects: (1) the emergence of new industries based on service。Such as network trading center, electronic shopping mall, e-commerce consulting service company, e-commerce application software development company。Their personnel composition has several characteristics: young, high-quality, interdisciplinary, cross-professional, and most of them are business administration, finance and economics, information management, computer network professional comprehensive talents。(2) Transnational management becomes a reality。Due to the establishment of e-commerce system, large-scale transnational organizations and cross-regional business activities become possible。Some well-known retail industries have expanded their business scope and scale, and organized cross-regional and cross-border business activities to reduce costs and seize market share。Some big chains such as Sears, McDonald's, Wal-Mart, etc., have created their own virtual stores on the network, adjusting the traditional business structure and layout to adapt to the new management model。

   (2) The impact of e-commerce on enterprise management

   The influence of e-commerce on the business environment of enterprises changes the whole living environment of enterprises, which requires enterprises to make corresponding adjustments in the overall strategy and tactics to adapt to the changes of the business environment。Therefore, the influence of e-commerce on enterprise management is far-reaching。

   oneOrganizational structure

   Electronic commerce has brought a fierce impact on the traditional form of enterprise organization。It breaks the process of traditional functional departments relying on division of labor and cooperation to complete the whole task, and forms the idea of parallel engineering。In the framework of e-commerce, in addition to the Marketing Department and sales department to deal with customers, other functional departments can also contact customers frequently through e-commerce network。The boundaries between the original units of work were broken down and regrouped into a working group directly serving the customer。This group is directly connected to the market and measures the organization of the process in terms of the final effect of the market。The business units between enterprises are no longer a closed pyramid-like hierarchical structure, but a network structure of mutual communication and mutual learning。This structure enables business units to open up information exchange channels, share information resources, increase profits and reduce friction。

   In the mode of e-commerce, the business activities of enterprises break the restrictions of time and space, and a new type of enterprise similar to no boundary - virtual enterprise appears。It breaks all boundaries between enterprises, industries and regions, and combines existing resources into a business entity that transcends time and space and uses electronic means to transmit information。A virtual enterprise can be a combination of several elements within an enterprise, or a combination of elements between different enterprises。Its management from the original mutual control to mutual support, from monitoring to incentive, from command to guidance。

   2.Management mode

   Under the framework of e-commerce, the way of information transmission of enterprises is transformed from one-way "one-to-many" to two-way "many-to-many", and the information can reach both sides of the communication without going through the intermediate link, and the work efficiency is significantly improved。The management mode of this organizational structure is called the "fifth generation mode", which is the management mode of the 21st century - information mode。There are three main characteristics of enterprise management in information mode:

   (1) intranet and database are constructed within the enterprise。All business units can communicate quickly through the Intranet, the opportunities for communication between managers are greatly increased, and the organizational structure is distributed and networked。

   (2) Intermediate managers get more direct information, and they play a bigger role in enterprise management decisions, which makes the entire organizational structure tend to flatten。

   (3) The transformation of enterprise management from centralization to decentralization。The implementation of electronic commerce changes the highly centralized decision center organization into a decentralized multi-center decision center organization。Many of the drawbacks of single decision-making (bureaucracy, inefficiency, structural rigidity, communication barriers) are eliminated in the polycentric organizational model。Corporate decisions are made by multi-functional organizational units across departments and functions。This kind of decision-making process in which multiple organizational units jointly participate, share responsibilities and share benefits enhances the sense of participation and decision-making ability of employees, mobilizes the enthusiasm of employees, and improves the scientific level of enterprise decision-making。

   3.Production and management

   The impact of e-commerce on the production and operation of enterprises is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

   (1) Reduce the transaction costs of enterprises。First of all, e-commerce reduces the promotion cost of enterprises。According to the survey of International Data Corporation: the use of the Internet as an advertising medium, the result of online promotion is 10 times the sales, and the cost is only 1/10 of the traditional advertising cost。Secondly, e-commerce reduces procurement costs。The use of e-commerce procurement system, enterprises can strengthen the cooperation between suppliers, raw material procurement and product manufacturing organic combination, the formation of an integrated information transmission and processing system。A GE spokesman says the company has reduced its procurement costs by 30% (labor costs by 20% and raw material costs by 20%) since adopting an e-commerce procurement system。

   (2) Reduce enterprise inventories。The IBM Personal Systems Group began using the Advanced Planning System for electronic Commerce in 1996。Through this system, the manufacturer can accurately produce according to the needs of the seller, so that the inventory turnover rate is increased, so that the total inventory is maintained at an appropriate level, so as to minimize the inventory cost。

   (3) Shorten the production cycle of enterprises。The rapid development of network technology provides a fast way for product development and design。第一,Developers can use the web to quickly survey the market,Keep abreast of the latest requirements;second,Developers can take advantage of the speed at which information travels to receive rapid market feedback on their products,To improve the product under development at any time;third,Developers can use the Web to keep up to date with their competitors,So as to adjust their products appropriately。

   (4) Increase business transaction opportunities。The openness and global nature of the network make e-commerce not limited by time and space。Companies must continuously provide technical support and sales services to customers around the world。The uninterrupted operation gives the business many trading opportunities。

E-commerce is a process of continuous optimization of enterprise value proposition and value chain positioning through the adoption of digital technology and the Internet as the most basic means of communication。Therefore, Business remains the core part of this approach, and the "e" acts as a means of communication to optimize the core。The end goal is the business, not the "e" 。But don't lose sight of the "e" either, because that's where all the benefits and optimized, new business models come from。

In fact, the rise of Dot-com cannot replace the dominant position of traditional industries in the whole economic activities。Even Amazon's sales miracle is a tiny fraction of GDP, which measures economic activity across the country。Moreover, this miracle is not replicable for the Internet, and when one site has the greatest cohesion in the field, it is difficult for other competitors to achieve the same success。Behind eBay's success was the collapse of more than 600 auction sites。

On the other hand, the traditional entity enterprises have an absolute advantage in the economy。These so-called "brick and cement" entity enterprises are the direct creators of social material wealth and the foundation and pillar of the social economy。The emergence of new technologies can only be applied to traditional enterprises to truly improve productivity, and will promote the development of the entire social economy。

With the increasingly fierce product competition, product homogenization and brand non-differentiation of traditional enterprises, how to attract customers, provide personalized products, improve service quality and other problems need new technology and new business methods to solve。Using the Internet and e-commerce technology to optimize their business processes has become an inevitable choice for traditional enterprises。Dot-com can not represent the new economy, traditional enterprises to embark on e-commerce。The true realization of business value determines the most important focus of e-commerce: business process rather than electronic technology, pillar enterprises rather than Dot-com。

Click-And-Mortar -- the road to the same destination

The so-called "mouse plus cement" refers to the combination of advanced Internet technology and traditional advantages of resources, the use of advanced information technology to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of traditional business, to achieve real commercial profits of an e-commerce operation mode。Mouse cement is a convergence process of traditional enterprise e-transformation and Internet company materialization。The way of mouse cement is the convergence direction of e-commerce development。

The operation mode of traditional business has many drawbacks such as low efficiency, high cost, slow response to the market, limited market coverage and inability to realize the operation of 7×24×365。Through the implementation of electronic enterprise, network management,It can fully monitor the daily purchase, sale and storage of downstream customers,Timely replenishment,Let upstream suppliers know the inventory of raw materials in time,Timely replenishment,Keep inventory levels to a minimum;It can provide new value-added services for enterprises,Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty,Better serve customers with the highest profit margins,Attract new customers。In essence, through the implementation of e-commerce solutions, both new and old customers will benefit from the e-commerce service activities established by enterprises, generate new business value-added, reduce costs, and form a virtuous circle between enterprises and customers of buyers, sellers and service providers。

The most traded and efficient part of e-commerce is the supply chain between businesses。Cisco's business network deals more than $10 billion per year and more than $40 million per day, making it one of the largest B2B websites in terms of transaction volume。By contrast, Amazon is a small e-commerce company: Amazon's revenue in the third quarter of 1999 was 3.$5.6 billion, or about $6 million per working day。Wal-Mart (WMT), a traditional retailer, uses one of the best retail-information systems, a network of satellites, to relay daily data from its individual stores while automatically directing a vast supply network。With one of the best logistics equipment in the business, it signed an e-commerce partnership with AOL。

Internet companies are the first to master advanced information technology, but without industrial support, "mouse" is difficult to complete all business operations。As a successful model, Dot-com companies are also moving towards the road of integration with industry。The AOL/Time Warner merger is a well-known example。Amazon, an e-tailer, has poached logistics managers from Wall-Marter to manage its biggest delivery headaches, and it has built giant warehouses across the US - the idealist idea of zero inventory has not materialised。eBay opened sub-stations in each city so that people in the same city could actually make transactions and deliver。More companies' idealized business models fail or languish because they fail to realize their value。

The evolution of e-commerce can be divided into three stages。The first stage is the e-catalog marketing period, the second stage is the e-commerce period, and the third stage is called the e-decision period。It can be seen that in the first stage, e-commerce focuses on information expression, requiring personalized information content, interaction, and excellent forms of expression and creativity。Dot-com, which became famous in the early stage, is a successful case in this stage。The second stage is focused on transaction processing, and Amazon, eBay and other enterprises are born in this stage。The third stage of e-commerce is the management of the entire value chain and the highly integrated sharing of all business information, and finally the realization of business intelligence decision support and collaborative work。Cisco, Wal-Marter, Intel, as well as Dell, General Motors, and even McDonald's will be the real heroes of this era。

Whether it is an avant-garde Internet recruit or a traditional mobile phone, e-commerce will set them on a path of integrating traditional excellent resources with advanced information technology to optimize business interests。

The rise of e-commerce inevitably brings new service enterprises, which we call e-commerce service providers。In fact, this industry covers a wide range of businesses, from ISP providing access services to ASP providing e-commerce software rental services, from providing enterprises with website production and hosting to assisting enterprises to complete front-end electronic trading platform and back-end electronic business management。But there are few e-commerce providers that can solve the key problems。

The essence of e-commerce is to realize the effective combination of network technology and traditional resources,For traditional enterprises,The biggest obstacle is the application of network technology and the operation of network business.And for Dot-com, which started on the Internet,They lack the ability and experience to manage and operate business entities and effectively implement value chain management in the back office。Therefore, with technology and management experience in one of the e-commerce service providers to meet the needs of the market on the big stage of e-commerce development。

In foreign countries, service providers that can provide comprehensive e-commerce solutions are called e-commerce integrators。This is very different from the average system integrator。They not only have high attainments of e-commerce technology, but more importantly, they must have a wealth of theory and experience in the business and management of enterprises, and are management consultants and engineers on the road of enterprise electronics。In China, many businesses have provided their own e-commerce solutions, such as some network companies that provide website information production, Web application developers that provide application platforms, and management software manufacturers that provide back-office value chain management systems。And Prient Corporation can provide fully integrated e-commerce solutions。

As a provider of end-to-end intelligent e-commerce solutions, Prient provides enterprises with e-commerce services at all levels。For the content of three levels of e-commerce, Prient puts forward its own complete service system:

1. e-Strategic Planning: consulting and planning on the business operation mode, market strategy and capital operation mode of e-commerce。

2, e-commerce Content Management (Content Management) : website information content planning and organization, personalized dynamic content creation and delivery。

3, Application Management of e-commerce: Web application Development and delivery (Web Development) & Deployment), as well as integration with the enterprise's existing information system, quickly establish a powerful electronic business application platform。

4, e-commerce Knowledge Management: electronic business information integration and information interaction and collaborative application system, such as customer relationship management, business intelligence, data warehouse, etc., to achieve the effective combination of technology and business。

With the development of e-commerce to the depth, e-commerce service market will become increasingly mature。We believe that the refinement of the social division of labor will eventually prompt a large number of Internet companies to enter the e-commerce service industry。

Conclusion - A look at the ten Most admired companies in America

In 2005, Fortune magazine once again named the ten most admired companies in the United States. None of these ten companies are pure e-commerce companies, but they are all examples of the direction of "mouse + cement"。From this ranking and their e-commerce applications, we can perhaps gain a deeper understanding of the nature and connotation of e-commerce。

1. General Electric (GE)

2. Microsoft

3. Dell Computer

4. Cisco Systems (CSCO)

5. Wal-Mart

6. Southwest (LUV)

7. Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA)

8. Intel (INTC)

9. Home Goods (Home Depot)

10. Lucent Technologies

Among the top 10 most admired companies, Cisco couldn't live without the Internet,Zibo website constructionWhile Microsoft is betting its business strategy on the Internet, Dell and Intel actually operate online, Lucent's business increasingly depends on how to help customers use the Internet。Wahl-matte relies heavily on advanced information technology to beat its competitors。Ge came late, but with a vengeance。Seven out of 10 have made big bets on e-commerce -- or even their entire fortune。

"All companies need to be connected to the Internet, or they will die.。For Chinese companies, there is no other choice。All organizations must react quickly to this by re-establishing internal and external processes that are appropriate to their circumstances, communicate more effectively with customers, and customize their Internet solutions。This is not just a technical project, it is a complete overhaul of corporate structure, culture and business processes。

The quality of the products released must be excellent, and there is a certain advantage in price。Because there must be similar products on the market。At the present stage of the development of the commodity economy, there are almost no unique products。Therefore, to win in the competition of similar products, the quality must pass, and the price must be attractive。Only high-quality and inexpensive products can stand out in e-commerce and network marketing and win the market。For the production of electronic products manufacturing enterprises,If the domestic market of domestic products can obtain CCC certification (China compulsory certification,Can also be referred to as the "3C" logo);If the export products of the international market can obtain some international certifications,Such as ISO9000 series certification, ISO14000 series certification, UL (pass to enter the North American market), CE (passport to open and enter the European market), CSA (Pass to enter the US and Canadian market),GS (German Product Quality and Safety Certification),And VDE, KEMA and other international certification,And SA8000 (Social Responsibility Standard,A new standard for international buyers),It is more powerful to compete with similar products。  

Second, the information is true and detailed to meet customer needs e-commerce website difficult forward although e-commerce has appeared for many years, but the current domestic e-commerce website that really makes money is a handful, more websites are struggling at the edge of survival。
With the coming of information age and the rapid development of network and communication technology, e-commerce has more and more influence on small and medium-sized enterprises。E-commerce provides a fair competition platform for small and medium-sized enterprises and a large number of market opportunities, which also brings direct, indirect and potential benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises。The analysis and study of the cost and benefit of e-commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises is helpful to further improve their understanding of e-commerce, and according to their own characteristics, choose appropriate ways to participate in e-commerce, make full use of the network information environment, and obtain greater benefits at a lower cost。

First, the impact of e-commerce on small and medium-sized enterprises

 In recent years, the rapid development of Internet technology has made e-commerce rise vigorously in the world。Internet-based e-commerce impacts the traditional business mode, management mode and means of operation of economic activities. It provides a large number of market opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, narges the gap between the market position of large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, and provides opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to compete。The influence of e-commerce on small and medium-sized enterprises mainly has the following aspects。 (1) Changed the business environment of the enterprise。 The introduction of e-commerce has a great impact on the business environment of enterprises,E-commerce is a huge, open environment,It will change the structure of the market: companies can use the web to advertise,Conduct online market research, information exchange and network marketing, etc.The network can be used to strengthen the connection with upstream and downstream manufacturers,Thus changing the interaction mode of purchasing and selling;You can see samples, negotiate prices, sign contracts and pay prices through the Internet,Rely on the network for two-way interactive communication with customers,Increase mutual interaction and understanding,Strengthen customer loyalty and purchasing power,Electronic commerce has changed the traditional business structure,Make it more suitable for the environment of network economy。 (2) Changed the management mode of the enterprise。 The impact of e-commerce on the business environment of enterprises has greatly impacted the internal management mode of enterprises, which requires enterprises to make corresponding adjustments in the overall strategy and tactics to adapt to the changes of the business environment。In the mode of e-commerce,The original organizational structure of the enterprise should be changed,The breakdown of boundaries between functions;Business units between enterprises are no longer a closed pyramidal hierarchy,It is a network structure of mutual communication and mutual learning;Workflow automation,Less opportunity for human control,Error reduction,Make the overall process of the enterprise more accurate and fast。The role played by senior leaders of enterprises is no longer the role of experience inheritance, but the guide of the general direction, leading enterprises to survive and develop in the fierce competition of the network economy, and occupy a larger market。Enterprises in the way of teamwork, in line with the characteristics of e-commerce operation structure, directly in line with the market, and the final effect of the market to measure the organizational status of the process。 (3) Changed the means of operation and improved economic benefits。 First of all, the application of e-commerce by enterprises can reduce the transaction cost。For example, the use of the Internet to carry out online promotion activities, reducing the cost of promotion;The use of e-commerce procurement system, enterprises can strengthen the cooperation between suppliers, raw material procurement and product manufacturing organically combined to form an integrated information transmission and processing system, thereby reducing procurement costs。Secondly, the means of operation of e-commerce reduce the inventory of enterprises。For example, the application of e-commerce planning system can accurately produce according to the needs of sellers, improve the inventory turnover rate, keep the total inventory at an appropriate level, and minimize the inventory cost。Third, you can use the network to quickly investigate the market, quickly understand the market feedback of the product and the latest demand, and improve the product under development at any time;Use the network to understand the latest situation of competitors, so as to adjust their own products。In addition, due to the openness and global nature of the network, e-commerce is not limited by time and space, enterprises must continuously provide technical support and sales services for customers around the world, thereby increasing the opportunities for business transactions。 The introduction of e-commerce has greatly increased the efficiency and level of decision-making, production, operation and management of small and medium-sized enterprises, thus improving the economic benefits of enterprises。According to the report on the Trend of information Construction and IT Application of small and medium-sized Enterprises in China in 2005, the investment in information services of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2004 reached 126.700 million yuan, an increase of 31.7%。It can be seen that the demand for e-commerce applications in small and medium-sized enterprises is growing rapidly, and the benefits brought by e-commerce to small and medium-sized enterprises are becoming more obvious。With the development and improvement of China's e-commerce market and technology, small and medium-sized enterprises will become the main force of e-commerce。 The development of e-commerce is the leading strategy to reduce the cost of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the application of foreign enterprises shows that the use of e-commerce means can reduce the cost by 5%-10%。Therefore, the analysis and research on the cost and benefit of the application of e-commerce by small and medium-sized enterprises is helpful to further improve their understanding of e-commerce, and choose appropriate ways to participate in e-commerce according to their own characteristics, make full use of the network information environment, and obtain greater corporate benefits at a lower cost。

  Second, small and medium-sized enterprises e-commerce cost analysis

 Most of the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country are traditional enterprises, which are characterized by small scale, less capital, lack of talents and backward management methods。The development and application of e-commerce has led to fundamental changes in small and medium-sized enterprises。In recent years, the application of e-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises,Often faced with opportunities and challenges in two aspects of the problem: on the one hand,E-commerce advanced technology and open environment,Will lead to changes in market structure,So that small and medium-sized enterprises can grasp the market and customer demand at any time, shorten business operation time, reduce business processing errors, reduce trade management costs and inventory costs, improve service quality, accelerate capital flow,So as to improve the economic benefits of enterprises;On the other hand,Because of the small and medium-sized enterprises manpower, financial resources, information technology and other strength is weak,So in many ways,The cost of e-commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises may be even greater,Relative benefit,The cost may be higher。 According to the investigation and analysis, the cost of small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out e-commerce is mainly reflected in the following aspects。 (A) System construction costs This is a variety of costs incurred in the process of establishing an e-commerce system, mainly including the human, financial and material input costs of the system environment construction。Enterprises implementing e-commerce must have the necessary hardware and software environment。The first is the purchase and construction of infrastructure, such as computers, servers, switches and networks and other equipment, lines and other hardware as carriers, which are fixed costs。At the same time, it is also necessary to have the relevant e-commerce software in order to run properly and complete its required functions。Hardware costs In addition to the cost of acquisition, there are also daily maintenance, repair, wear and upgrade costs。Software also has the purchase, development, maintenance and other aspects of the cost, and, in order to catch up with the trend of The Times, to seize business opportunities, it is necessary to timely upgrade the e-commerce system, and the cost required in this area is difficult to estimate。In the construction of e-commerce environment, the investment of enterprises in human, financial and material aspects is huge, accounting for more than 60% of the total cost of implementing e-commerce。This cost is generally invested at an early stage, so it is indeed a big burden for small and medium-sized enterprises。According to the survey of some small and medium-sized enterprises in Wuzhou, Baise, Beihai and other places in Guangxi, it is understood that due to limited economic strength, many enterprises are worried about carrying out e-commerce because of the huge construction costs。 (2) Technical support costs Technical support costs include the economic costs of higher technical content required for the design, operation, maintenance and management of e-commerce systems。In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises,More than 90% of enterprises are weak in technology,Lack of human resources,In the construction of e-commerce system often do not have their own specialized technical team,Most enterprises need to turn to computer software companies or the newly emerging ASP in the way of leasing,So the price is high。In addition, the technical support cost also includes the various support service costs that must occur after the application of information technology, which is also a large expense for small and medium-sized enterprises。 Operation management is a key link for small and medium-sized enterprises to implement e-commerce and obtain corporate benefits, and the costs incurred in this link mainly include transaction costs, human input costs, system management costs and distribution costs。 Transaction cost refers to the various costs incurred by enterprises to carry out business trade activities with the counterparty or other enterprises in the e-commerce environment。The expenses required in this process mainly include organizing online transactions, researching the counterparty, negotiating, drafting and signing the contract, supervising and implementing the contract, and so on。For example, enterprises use e-commerce platforms to release product information and provide transaction settlement, payment and other services to traders, and the cost incurred accounts for about 20% of the entire operation and management cost。 The cost of manpower input includes the cost of staffing relevant personnel, conducting necessary education and training for personnel and paying salaries for personnel in addition to the technical personnel required for the construction of the system in order to ensure the normal operation of the e-commerce system。This cost is essential and accounts for more than 25% of the total operational management cost。 Logistics distribution is the last link of e-commerce, but also an important link。It requires storage outlets for goods, the need to increase the cost of transportation and distribution personnel, and the increased cost can not be ignored, accounting for about 30% of the entire operation and management costs。 Management cost refers to the cost required for the normal application of e-commerce system, the establishment of relevant management institutions, the formulation of management systems, the planning, coordination and control of all aspects of the operating system, and the supervision and management of transaction activities。This cost cannot be accurately estimated, but it is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises。Many small and medium-sized enterprises have invested a huge amount of money to establish the application environment of e-commerce, but due to poor management and idle equipment, system wastage, e-commerce has become a kind of decoration, flow in form, and this waste is worse for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited economic strength。Therefore, the necessary administrative costs must be invested。 Like large enterprises, smes have to consider security issues when conducting business activities in an open network environment, such as the fairness and security of the transaction, the authenticity of the identity of the transaction party, the accuracy and integrity of the transmitted information, and the non-repudiation of the transaction。In order for enterprises to implement e-commerce safely, it is necessary to formulate necessary security standards, develop security technology, and take a series of security technical measures。The use, learning and operation of these transaction security protocols, regulations and technical measures undoubtedly increase the cost of e-commerce applications。 (5) Risk cost This is the inevitable invisible cost when enterprises carry out e-commerce。For example, due to the invasion of viruses, hacker attacks, the loss of talents, software and hardware replacement and other difficult to determine, difficult to grasp the cost of the factors。Because the strength of small and medium-sized enterprises is weak, the risk is greater, so the pressure in this respect is relatively greater。 (vi) Other costs and expenses In addition to the above costs, some other costs and expenses will occur in the process of implementing e-commerce, such as network access costs, registration fees, personnel costs related to the application of technology, and so on。There are also some indirect costs, such as the cost of operating technology is not matched, the cost of improper information processing and the cost of waste caused by inappropriate introduction of new equipment and new technology and so on。 Among the above costs, construction cost and operation and management cost account for a large proportion, which is also the most basic and direct;Security costs and risk costs are relatively invisible, but they cannot be ignored。With the continuous development of e-commerce,The structure and proportion of costs are also changing,For example, the hardware cost in the construction cost will gradually decrease with the development of electronic technology and computer hardware technology,However, the cost of software increases with the change of the functional requirements of business activities in the network environment.The hidden cost is also increasing due to the increasingly prominent issues such as information security, technology protection, intellectual property protection, and business risks。For small and medium-sized enterprises, due to the high cost of information technology, there are often financial and technical difficulties in the construction of systems and operation management, and some enterprises lose confidence and give up the application of e-commerce。因此,Small and medium-sized enterprises should be based on their actual situation,The various costs incurred in the implementation of electronic commerce are carefully analyzed and studied,Know which costs are manageable,What costs can be reduced,What costs can be avoided,Which way to implement e-commerce is more suitable for me,In order to obtain the due enterprise benefits at low cost。

   Third, small and medium-sized enterprises e-commerce benefit analysis

 The reason why businesses are interested in e-commerce is that it can bring benefits to the business。Although it costs small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out e-commerce, e-commerce provides smes with a fair competition platform with large enterprises, provides a large number of market opportunities, and thus brings direct, indirect and potential benefits to smes。 (a) Direct benefits The direct benefits brought by e-commerce to smes mainly refer to specific operational benefits, such as cost savings or production efficiency, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects。 1.Through the establishment of corporate website, the use of network publicity to establish corporate image, transfer product information;Advertising on the Internet can pass the company's promotional information to potential customers around the world, increasing the company's sales opportunities and consumers' purchase opportunities。 2.The use of network transactions, reduce transaction costs, improve marketing efficiency。In traditional commerce, the supply chain consumes 25% of the operating costs, while e-commerce improves the supply chain management by taking advantage of the convenience of the network, thus reducing the cost by more than 10%。 3.By the network and computer to transfer files, greatly accelerate the speed of file processing, reduce the cost of file processing。According to the relevant research and analysis, the application of network transmission can reduce the cost of file processing by nearly 40%;Replacing a large number of paper documents with electronic documents has significantly reduced the cost of paper。 4.Computers automatically accept and process information, which can reduce workload and reduce staff costs by 15%-20%。 5.Reasonable arrangement of raw material purchase and production according to order, thereby reducing inventory and speeding up capital turnover。 6.Reduce intermediate links, save information costs, and create conditions for enterprises to obtain accurate information in time。 例如,Guangxi Sugar Central Wholesale Market (GSEC) due to the implementation of a fully electronic trading model,Therefore, the direct benefits are obtained from at least three aspects: (1) The transaction costs of industrial and commercial enterprises are greatly reduced,Attracting extensive participation of sugar-related enterprises across the country,Greatly improve the speed of production and marketing;(2) Third party settlements provided by GSEC,Effectively avoid the emergence of triangular debts between the purchasing and selling enterprises;(3) GSEC also cooperates with relevant banks to provide financing services to dealers,Warehouse receipt deposited by trader at delivery warehouse,After the relevant procedures,You can get the pledged loan from the bank,Effectively speed up the capital turnover。At present, the number of GSEC traders has reached more than 500, and more than 6 million tons of white sugar have been traded online。 (2) Indirect benefits Indirect benefits refer to those benefits that are not easy to be specifically quantified, which can be said to be higher-level and long-term corporate benefits, which are usually strategic and oriented。The indirect benefits brought by e-commerce to smes are as follows: 1. Improve the management efficiency and service level of enterprises, so as to improve the competitiveness of enterprises。 2. Expand business scope and scale to achieve economies of scale。According to statistics, this indirect benefit can reach 3-5% of its total trade volume。 3. Strengthen communication with customers, so as to expand the market size and obtain greater economic benefits。According to statistics, this indirect benefit can increase the market share of enterprises by about 15%。 4. Improve the comprehensive quality of enterprise employees, so as to promote the improvement of enterprise service quality and level。 5. With advanced trading mode and management mode to obtain the recognition of society and traders, so as to improve social and economic benefits。 Such as Xiaopeng Travel Information Co., LTD,"Tourism Industry Information Online Management and Marketing DIMOS System" launched in the network environment,It has covered the tourism management departments and travel agencies in Guangxi,The information-based management of tourism industry in the whole region has been realized,It has effectively improved the informatization level of the tourism industry,As a result, the business volume of the tourism industry has also been rapidly improved。 Although these benefits are not so direct and obvious, they are of greater value to some extent from the perspective of the overall benefits of enterprises and society。 (3) Potential benefits Sometimes some of the benefits brought by e-commerce to enterprises are temporarily invisible, but there is a subtle effect and strong momentum, from a macro point of view, this is the potential benefits。For example, the development of e-commerce can make the traditional business philosophy and business model of enterprises gradually change to advanced and scientific business philosophy and business model;It can promote the efficiency, economy and coordination of enterprises and even the national economy;It can enhance the corporate culture, improve the knowledge level and comprehensive quality of employees and so on。The potential benefits are of profound significance to the competitiveness, long-term goals and long-term interests of small and medium-sized enterprises。 For example, Nanbo network aims at "Expo ASEAN, full of business opportunities",Through the combination of online and offline, domestic and foreign service means,To provide professional information services, marketing services and transaction services for enterprises engaged in China-Asean bilateral trade,We will help Chinese enterprises enter ASEAN and ASEAN enterprises enter China,Efforts will be made to build a trade portal of the China-Asean Free Trade Area。Many small and medium-sized enterprises make use of this special e-commerce platform,With its brand new ideas,Elaborate design,To provide our customers with sincere, thoughtful, efficient and quality service,Therefore, it is establishing a good image of the enterprise,Expanding influence,Gradually win the trust of customers,The expected benefits will be achieved in the near future。 From the current analysis of the application of e-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises, perhaps the benefits obtained by some enterprises are not proportional to the cost of investment, and even in the short term may not see obvious benefits。However, from the perspective of long-term interests, e-commerce is the hope of enterprises and the trend of future development。In the 21st century, e-commerce will be a way of survival for enterprises, for enterprises, do not have advanced scientific business philosophy and business model, do not have the ability to operate online, do not have the core competitiveness, it will not be able to have an advantage in the future market competition

。Electronic commerce is a special transaction mode and business environment,Therefore, the input and output of a market project cannot be measured according to the evaluation standards,The cost to benefit ratio cannot be measured accurately,It should be combined with its economic benefits and social benefits comprehensive consideration,Its true value should be evaluated from the perspective of long-term corporate benefits。

   Iv. Concluding remarks

 For small and medium-sized enterprises, the key to the implementation of e-commerce is to improve efficiency and efficiency, but limited to the size and strength of the enterprise, before the implementation of e-commerce, we should carefully consider how to take the first step, how to choose the right mode of operation and management。According to the analysis and research, small and medium-sized enterprises are more suitable to use the third-party e-commerce platform to carry out modern trade, which can save a lot of investment, reduce operating costs, improve operating efficiency, concentrate funds to develop the core business of the enterprise, and thus obtain equal competition opportunities with large enterprises。Small and medium-sized enterprises should, according to their own actual situation, take advantage of the good environment of information construction vigorously promoted by the state in recent years, take advantage of the flexible operation of small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate the information transformation of traditional enterprises through the development of e-commerce, further optimize the economic and industrial structure, and improve the economic benefits of enterprises。The Government should take into account the characteristics and needs of smes,Guide and support small and medium-sized enterprises to integrate resources,Establish an innovation and technology service platform,Provide support and services for technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises,Reduce innovation costs for smes,Create an external environment conducive to the innovation and development of smes,Let smes get greater economic benefits from e-commerce。

The model of e-commerce can be divided into three main models: B2C(business to end customer), B2B(business to business) and C2C(person to person)。

B2C mainly purchases certain categories of goods on a large scale through e-commerce manufacturers themselves and sells them to consumers at standardized and unified retail prices.Plastic tray  At the same time, responsible for the after-sales service of the products sold;The connotation of B2B is that enterprises through the internal information system platform and external websites will be suppliers of procurement business and downstream agents of sales business are organically linked together, so as to reduce the transaction costs between each other, improve satisfaction。C2C is the use of network platforms for transactions between individual users, that is, online auctions。

According to the research report, the growth rate of China's e-commerce in 2004 was 73.Turnover reached 480 billion yuan, but this figure is only 2% of global e-commerce turnover。Due to the serious injury, China has fallen 8848 and other e-commerce pioneers, and the entire market has not ushered in the opportunity for a complete outbreak。

At present, it seems that in addition to a few large companies such as Alibaba can still make a large profit, even the profitability of well-known e-commerce manufacturers such as excellence and Dangdang is not optimistic, and other small and medium-sized companies are struggling to survive。

Alibaba as a representative of B2B websites, its success is recognized by the industry。Jack Ma, Alibaba's chief executive, has boasted that Alibaba is so profitable that it can keep Taobao free for three more years。However, it can also be seen from this point that Alibaba's profit model Ma Yun has won, and Taobao's profit is still a headache。

Statistics show that the market increment of C2C last year was very large, and the main contribution came from Taobao。However, the current Taobao is for how to make money and headache。At that time, Taobao was the slogan of free to impact the charge of eBay。Therefore, when Ma Yun was ready to launch "Zhaofangbao" to charge, it was opposed by users, so that Ma Yun had to clarify: "' Zhaofangbao 'this way has been verified as a very mature profit model, but some details have not been handled well.。”

The so-called "money and treasure" is to charge the seller, who pays more, then the ranking in the search bar will be higher。However, this is not consistent with Ma Yun's promise of "three years free", which was opposed by sellers。Some analysts believe that Taobao wants to make profits in the future may also use the "money and treasure" model。

After the "money and treasure" setback, Taobao tried to build a physical store in the offline model, but this combination of online and offline, and can give Taobao in the mire of profitability struggling to bring much opportunity?It is understood that the online shop is not the first Taobao。Before 2003, the only C2C e-commerce sites in China were eBay and Eachnet。At that time, in order to solve the trust crisis, Arbao set up an experience store in Beijing。As a result, the experience store was not able to save Yabao network from fire and water, and Yabao network died in a wave of praise from the new C2C website。

It is understood that from 2003, Taobao was founded to the present,Zibo website constructionAccumulated investment of 14.5亿元。Taobao is still struggling to figure out how to make money in the free environment it created。

Internet analyst Lu Bowang believes that China's e-commerce has not developed, the key factor is that the domestic market environment and integrity system has not been standardized and established。In addition, the narrow business scope of e-commerce manufacturers is also an important factor hindering their further development。However, the e-commerce market is currently in the stage of nurturing the market, with a broad user base。At present, there are obstacles to charging users due to objective factors, but it is difficult to say that there is no profitable direction for future development。Lu Bowang analysis, the competent authorities will introduce the corresponding network transaction policies and gradually establish and standardize the integrity system.

Published information (product information, business information, etc.) must be true and reliable, while as detailed as possible, and from the perspective of customer needs, put yourself in the customer's shoes;If you can cooperate with some pictures at the same time, the effect is better, after all, it will give people a real and sincere feeling。After the release of such information, it will convey a kind of honest business attitude to potential customers, business and life are the same, and sincerity can win good feelings。Only if the other party can feel that each other is sincere in business, then the probability of success will be greatly increased。In the popularity of the network to the present situation, any online customer can find similar products through the search engine or website search function, therefore, after shopping around, only detailed product information will attract the attention of customers and absorb。Otherwise, after customers browse the product information of a number of companies, the product description is not detailed or the lack of physical photos or even contact information is inconvenient, instant business opportunities will be lost at the fingertips。  

Third, control the frequency of information release

Information posted only once is not accessible to most viewers。If you want visitors to see you at first glance, you may want to increase the number of posts。However, excessive repetition of information will also bring disgust to the viewer, thus losing the opportunity to contact you for business。Therefore, according to years of network marketing practice, it is more effective to publish 2 times a day。Of course, different e-commerce platforms will vary from person to person。  

Fourth, pay attention to information release skills

To have a concise message topic, so that people at a glance;If you can attract the eye of the viewer in the selection of keywords, the chance of success will be greatly increased。  

5. Timely handling customer feedback and information

In e-commerce, when a customer sends an email asking for an inquiry or interested in a product, they always expect to get a reply right away。If you can get in touch with customers in the shortest time, then the customer's sense of identity and integrity of your products will be greatly enhanced;If it is not handled in time, it is possible to divert the buyer's attention to the business that responds in time, and make you miss the opportunity。  

6. Requirements for talents

There are more professional e-commerce talents to help manage the Internet trade。Whether it is to do domestic market or international trade, it is necessary to have both computer technology and network business personnel, full-time engaged in product information release, update, and timely processing of the latest search disk and other work。For the export market, there is also a need for export talents who understand trade and English。  

Seven, pay attention to the choice of website platform

Choose a professional and reputable e-commerce website to publish information。Such as China international e-commerce network, global resources network, the United States business network, Alibaba, China exporters product network, easy into business, national creation network, Shihuakai, Huashang United network, Sunshine Road international business network, etc., in these websites publish information, the success rate is higher, and the integrity is also better。  

From the past to run manufacturers under the hot sun and heavy rain, running supply and marketing, running trade fairs and a variety of exhibitions, product launches, to the later telephone, fax contact, and now through the Internet, the use of e-commerce as a tool to open up domestic and foreign markets, which is an inevitable trend, but also the progress of The Times。As a more advanced means of commerce, electronic commerce is a tool that can interact, text, sound and image can coexist。Internet trade and e-commerce will be an effective complementary means to traditional business forms, and will become a mainstream means to open up markets, expand business and promote trade。

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